Man’s Unending Search…

A Reflection On Man’s Capacity to Receive Faith

Faith Happens

Faith Happens (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

One important thing that makes man different from other animals is his self-consciousness.  Because of his intellect and will man has the capacity to know himself, to look at himself. Man is capable of reflection. Though a subject in himself, he is capable of looking at himself as an object.  Hence, he is able to know himself, able to know others and most importantly he is able to relate with others.  That is why aside from being defined as a rational being, man can also be defined as a relational being, a social being. He is capable of experiencing himself, and experiencing others. Continue reading

Love and Happiness


Happiness (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Journal Entry
October 15, 2006

Happiness… is a dream of every man, in fact, Aristotle would say that it is the purpose of man.  Happiness… Like all men and women, I want to be happy.  Every person in the world is looking for it.  All men are searching for it, and they want to find it. Continue reading